Saturday, February 21, 2015

Chakras and Channels of Energy

Inside every human being, there is a network of nerves and sensory organs that interprets the outside physical world.

At the same time, within us resides a subtle system of channels (nadis) and centers of energy (charkas).

Kundalini is a sleeping, dormant force in the human organism. Kundalini reside in the triangular shaped sacrum bone in three and a half coils.

Human body has seven power charkas. Each chakra has special characteristics and with proper training, moving Kundalini through these charkas, we can feel these characteristics.

Kundalini is interior experience of energy and consciousness that supports the realizing of our true nature.

Due to kundalini awakening, our interior space gets restructured so that our inner consciousness can flow more freely without attaching to our personality.

Due to Kundalini arises; we get some abilities like abilities to heal or the experience of bliss, or the freeing of inner voice or creativity so we become more expressive in World.

Rules for Kundalini Awakening
  • They require strict dietary rules, disciplined practice, non-stressed and simple lifestyle in order to have optimum potential for Kundalini awakening to occur and progress smoothly.
  • We must follow strictly celibacy for long period time till our Kundalini arises. 
During Kundalini awaking, it rises up from the muladhara chakra through the central nadi called sushumna inside the spine and reaching the top of the head. The progress of Kundalini through the different chakras leads to different levels of spiritual experience, until Kundalini finally reaches the top of the head, Sahasrara or crown charka.

During gradual progression of Kundalini from the base of the spine through the crown chakra leads to a releasing of various contractions in the energy body and at last person feel experience of merging into infinite consciousness.

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